Crate reverse[][src]

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reverse is a light-weight, zero-dependency crate for performing reverse-mode automatic differentiation in Rust. This is useful when you have functions with many inputs producing a small number of outputs, as the gradients for all inputs with respect to a particular output can be computed in a single pass.


A tape (also called a Wengert list) is created with Tape::new(). Variables can then be added to the tape, either individually (.add_var) or as a slice (.add_vars). This yields differentiable variables with type Var<'a>.

Differentiable variables can be manipulated like f64s, are tracked with the tape, and gradients with respect to other variables can be calculated. Operations can be performed between variables and normal f64s as well, and the f64s are treated as constants with no gradients.

You can define functions that have Var<'a> as an input (potentially along with other fixed data of type f64) and as an output, and the function will be differentiable. For example:

use reverse::*;

fn main() {
    let tape = Tape::new();
    let params = tape.add_vars(&[5., 2., 0.]);
    let data = [1., 2.];
    let result = diff_fn(&params, &data);
    let gradients = result.grad();
    println!("{:?}", gradients.wrt(&params));

fn diff_fn<'a>(params: &[Var<'a>], data: &[f64]) -> Var<'a> {
    params[0].powf(params[1]) + data[0].sin() - params[2].asinh() / data[1]


Tape (Wengert list) that tracks differentiable variables, intermediate values, and the operations applied to each.

Differentiable variable. This is the main type that users will interact with.


Calculate gradients with respect to particular variables.

Trait for calculating expressions and tracking gradients for float power operations.